Jumat, Juli 20, 2012

Ronan Keating This I Promise You Lyrics

Deni Hendrayana

My Love...,I can feel your heartbeat...As we dance now...Closer than before...Don't let go...(don't let go)..,Cause I feel almost cry now...When I look in your eyes...All of my life is before me..I'm not running anymore...cause I already know I'm home...With every beat of my heart...I give you my love completely..My darling...nanana...

5 komentar:

  1. Deni Hendrayana
    My Love...,I can feel your heartbeat...As we dance now...Closer than before...Don't let go...(don't let go)..,Cause I feel almost cry now...When I look in your eyes...All of my life is before me..I'm not running anymore...cause I already know I'm home...With every beat of my heart...I give you my love completely..My darling...nanana...

  2. Emuachh..ayang kamu percaya klau aku cinta kamu..???

    1. aqu percaya.. karena aqu merasa..emuach.. sungguh..

  3. aqu percaya.. karena aqu merasa..emuach.. sungguh..
